Welcome to another Mark Edwards blog, The Music Meeting.
To make a long story short, I've been a radio programmer for a very long time, and like many others in radio, found myself downsized out of my job in October of 2011. In some ways, that was a blessing. One of those ways is that I can now listen to music like a regular person, not a radio programmer worried about the length of the intro, if it has a "hook", a catchy thing listeners will remember, and if I can get the artist to do a concert for my radio station.
After leaving my last job, I've started a firm, Mark Edwards Worldwide, that helps businesses and artists use the internet and social media in ways they've never imagined. I've also started a news feed of the latest news in the online, social media, and marketing worlds here.
So I've been cleansed of all those toxins and am listening to music like a real person again. I'll share the things I find with you on this blog, give you some music news and background, and look for music that grown ups like to hear. Not the "thumpa thumpa" or auto-tune stuff the kids listen to, but real music by real artists. And I'll let you know when I don't like something as well. The opinions you read here are mine, and I receive compensation for some posts. Hopefully you'll let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree with me. Or, you can e mail me at mark-at-markedwardsworldwide-dot-com.
So sit back, enjoy, subscribe to the posts, and enjoy The Music Meeting!
And if you'd like to contact The Music meeting, send email to our website content team or call our Los Angeles office at 323.696.2753.